Saraswaty Press a flashback
The run began in 1923 at Barisal, Bangladesh, to propagate nationalist literature. As the run gathered momentum, the hub of the revolutionary movement shifted to College Street, in 1925. The publishing house warranting more space to accommodate the expending work load. In 1939, it was another fast forward move to Forward House Calcutta. By the time of Independence, the Press was well ensconced in business. In giant leap forward came in 1958 when it had had to move yet again to the current work place at 11 Barrackpore Trunk Road, Calcutta which was indigenously designed to factor in the future scope of expansion. By continuously moving along the cutting edge of technology, it stood out as veritably the Best in Printing in Eastern India gathering innumerable awards for ‘Excellence in Printing' from many august bodies including those from DAVP. The pursuit of excellence had been achieved by importing sophisticated machinery installed by printing technologists from UK and Germany and operated by experienced technicians who have been periodically undergoing specialized training to keep pace with the emerging technologies. Saraswaty Press is owned by the Government of West Bengal. The company's gross turnover is Rs. 100 crore. The Company is continuously making profit for the last several years.

Saraswaty Press takes print and production assignments of a widely diversified range of text books, annual reports, house journals, forms and registers etc.
Saraswaty Press excels in bonds, stamps, lottery tickets, bank cheques and drafts, Sale tax forms, way bills, holograms and all confidential papers.
It covers photo identity cards, ration cards, land record computer print-outs and large scale data processing derivatives like OMR and ICR forms.
In tune with today's advance printing technology, Saraswaty Press has enhance facility for all Pre-press, Press and Print-finishing.
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